
Impress the literary set with Scrabble Cufflinks


I am taken with these Scrabble-piece Cufflinks from The Literary Gift Company. You can choose your own letters — initials perhaps, or you could get imaginative (FO? GO? TO? YN? NO? TY? BK?). Indeed the more I think about it, the more fun it might be to get quite a few letters to mix and match depending on mood…

These are a highly reasonable £12.99 (plus delivery).

Cufflinks Gifts

Brilliant personalised wedding cufflinks from

Continuing my cufflinks series, I thought I’d take a look at some relatively inexpensive ones that are utterly perfect for any chaps you know who’re about to get married. I particularly like these ones as they’re personalised with the date/time/venue of the main event. These silver plated cufflinks look to be terrifically good value — £19.95 for a pair and that includes the personalisation!

You do need to allow 3-5 days for delivery and there’s a box to specify the exact location and timings on the product page.

Like! These ones definitely go into my ‘gifts’ category here on The Pursuit of Quality.

Cufflinks Gifts

Need a box for all those cufflinks? Try Simon Orrell Designs.

I don’t know what I’ve done with most of my cufflinks. I’ve put them somewhere — across multiple small cufflink boxes — and they’ve disappeared into the ether. They’re somewhere around.

I should have bought a dedicated cufflink box for them. Instead I squeezed them all into an array of Mont Blanc boxes designed to hold just one pair. Needs must when you’re moving house.

So when I got a note in a little while ago suggesting I take a look at a cufflink box, I made a mental note to do a post on it.

This, then, is a luxury cufflink box in black shagreen and bone. Shagreen, by the way, is a type of rawhide — and it really adds to the look of this box. Materials like this are a speciality of designer Simon Orrell. The box itself measures 9cm x 9cm — big enough that I won’t lose it, small enough so it’ll travel nicely and fit into drawers as necessary.

You can pick it up for £99 including VAT.

There’s more information (and a lot more beautiful products) over at Simon Orrell Designs.


Lego cufflinks? Come on, that’s brilliant!

I came across these superb Lego cufflinks from Ellie Ellie and I have to admit, I reckon they’ll look excellent contrasted with a shocking pinstripe.

For most of my childhood, I thoroughly enjoyed playing with Lego — and for the longest time, Christmas in my house was always, always about the latest ‘big’ Lego toy.

I’m re-living it all again at the moment through little Archie with his Duplo. Speaking of which — it looks to me like these cufflinks (priced at a very reasonable £19.50 per pair) come in a Duplo brick box! Love it!


I had cufflink envy at the weekend with these £1 (“one pound”) designs

Last weekend I was at a family function and spied these on my brother’s wrists. They’re cufflinks made out of real one pound coins — although they’re obviously spruced up a little bit. They really looked fantastic on the cuff so I made a mental note to look them up.

My brother got them as a gift from the renowned Benson & Clegg Ltd. You can find these particular one pound cufflinks here. They’re £68 plus delivery and they’ve got a variety of options (e.g. Irish pound, Scottish Pound, English pound) and a whole load of other monetary-based options.

I think I’ll need to get a pair.


Accessories Cufflinks Highly Recommended

Your child’s handprint impression on your cufflinks


I’ve been having a browse around for some really good cufflinks in our continuing Cufflinks series. I came across this ones recently and was thoroughly surprised and delighted. At first, I thought they were simply featuring standard handprints meant to remind you of your children. However when I visited the Gift Wrapped & Gorgeous website, I found that they’re entirely custom!

That’s right! You can get your child’s handprint impression on some cufflinks! As you can see on the image above, each cufflink has the child’s name and their handprint. If you’ve two children, you can opt for one imprint on each cufflink (more expensive) or you can simply opt for the default — the same imprint on both.

The cufflinks are Silver (plated, I assume?) and of course, there’s a bit of homework involved: Rebecca from Handprintz will send you a “non messy” (good) kit to easily take the handprint. Return that to her and she’ll produce the resulting cufflinks.

I absolutely love it!

You should allow 28 days for the whole process — that’s understandable.

I reckon this is one of those gifts that’s nigh on 100% perfect for a wife to give her husband [partner/etc] because it’s the sort of thing that can be done during the day when they’re at work — so it’s a real, super surprise. On the other hand, it’s something that you can instigate directly.

I would imagine that these are both eye catching and touching — suitable to accompany a high-powered pinstripe in the Square Mile or during a relaxed weekend.

The total cost all-in? £130.

Visit the Gift Wrapped & Gorgeous website’s Handprintz entry for more information and ordering details.


Cufflinks: Veni Vidi Vici from Dominic Walmsley

Right then welcome to the first in my series on Cufflinks.

I’m a big fan of Cufflinks — I think they complete the ensemble. Rarely will you see me without cufflinks. However I have to say I’m not much of a fan of silly ones. Homer Simpson, you know, that sort of thing. My preference is something a little more refined. Anyway standby for a regular post highlighting a pair of cufflinks that’s caught my attention recently.

The first entry in the series is from the jewellers, Dominic Walmsley. Dominic’s celebrity clients tend to be of the more intellectual types and include Antony Horovitz, Helen Mirren, and Coffie Annan however Kylie was featured in Hello wearing one of his diamond shoe pendants.

These caught my eye: Veni, Vidi, Vici (as pictured above)

There’s something about the succinct statement that appeals — it’s especially fitting if you’re complimenting them with a super-sharp suit. It was supposedly made by Caesar regarding his short war with Pharnaces II of Pontus in the city of Zela in Turkey: I came, I saw, I conquered.

Love it.

And you can have that phrase immortalised on your wrists thanks to Dominic Walmsley. You can order online or pick them up in his Sevenoaks store.

They’re silver sterling and priced at £75. They’re also available in Gold.